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Recover From Your Cancer Treatment & Reduce Recurrence, No Matter Your Age, Situation or Current Knowledge
Partner with a Cancer Recovery Coach (who's been where you are).
Follow the 'Cancer Recovery Plan' through nutrition & lifestyle support.
Feel safe in your body & heal from the side effects of treatment.
Learn how to reduce your risk of recurrence so you can focus on the things that bring you joy.
Do you want to 'move on' but you are feeling stuck right now?
Are you struggling with side effects from surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or/and hormone therapy? That could be fatigue, digestive issues, low mood, hot flushes, joint pain & poor sleep.
Are you feeling lost and no-one really gets it? You may have tried to get back to your 'normal' life but it doesn't feel right.
You may feel alone with the fear and risk of recurrence.
Do you want to move forwards, but you don't know how to?
Do you want to make lifestyle changes? But your research has lead you to conflicting, confusing, overwhelming information, and you're unsure who to trust?

Imagine feeling safe in your body
Free from the lingering side effects of treatment.
Feeling empowered in your decisions, knowing that you are taking control of your health.
Free from the anxiety of recurrence, allowing you to focus on the things that bring you joy.
Feeling supported by someone who has been there, has a plan to help you meet your goals, and encourages you to feel excited by the future.
What results can you expect?
Things will start to fall into place and you will begin to feel like yourself (it may be a new you but it will feel right)
You will experience many health benefits including feeling stronger, having more energy, less brain fog, reduced digestive problems, improved libido & better quality sleep.
Confidence and resilience from having personal plans, practical tips, guides and self help tools that you can use for the rest of your life.

What do we work on?

Gut Health
1 round of antibiotics kills 90% of your gut bacteria. Imagine the damage caused to your gut from chemotherapy and other cancer drugs. I will teach you how to rebuild and rebalance your gut microbiome so it can work effectively.

Reducing Inflammation
​All disease starts with chronic inflammation. I will help you create an anti-inflammatory new sustainable, long term diet that you can stick to, to create an environment where cancer cannot thrive.

Many cancers can be attributed to environmental factors, including exposure to carcinogens. I will help you reduce your exposure to harmful toxins and provide safer solutions.

Sleep & Movement
Sleep and movement are essential to your healing. I will help you optimise both of these, taking careful consideration of your current situation.

Emotional Health​
Emotions pay a key role, for example chronic stress or repressed emotions have a negative impact on your immune system. Reframing and working on positive mindset is a key part of your healing that I will help you understand and implement.
3 months of 1 to 1 coaching (on Zoom)
Custom health plans designed specifically for you
Meal plans, recipes & tips
Mindset tools and stress management techniques
Anytime email support

Hi, I'm Jo. I'm a Health Coach specialising in Cancer Recovery.
I've been where you are and I know how it feels. You're on the verge of making an amazing life change. I know stepping out of your comfort zone is scary and making changes isn't always easy.
After everything you've been through, to look it in the eye and accept that you might need to make changes is a big step. I respect you for making this decision, and I am here to support you all the way.
I create custom health plans - designed specifically for you. A road map for your personal situation, that I guide you through and help you execute.
Book a free call to learn how to become an expert in your recovery.
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